Aug 31, 2018

Feeling stressed isn’t fun, we all know that. There are times when stress hits harder than others and those times when you feel like you just can’t hack it, are the times we want to try to help you cope with better in this post. Here are some simple and effective ways to help you deal with stress so that you can focus that energy on the things that matter. Hopefully with these tools, you’ll be better equipped to able to quickly turn that feeling of #stressed into #blessed.

1. Become the boss of your brain

Whatever the situation, when the stress hits, it’s time to refocus and take back control. One important first question to ask yourself is do I have the ability to control this? Be honest with yourself. If the answer is yes, then believe in and remind yourself that you’ve got through every other challenge you’ve faced before now, so you will get through this. If the answer is no, then accept it, leave it and move on. Most of what life throws at us is outside of our control and the sooner we accept what we can’t control rather than resist it, the less stressed and happier we will feel.

Another useful way to become the boss of your own brain is to break things down and solely focus on a small, manageable task rather than getting yourself overwhelmed about the enormity of the overall project, goal or situation you’re in. Break down the task into smaller chunks to help you focus and feel like you’re nailing it as you tick those smaller tasks off your to-do list!

2. Be in the moment

Similar to being the boss of your brain, being fully present and in the moment is so important when feelings of stress come over. Whatever you’re feeling, don’t try to push it away or cover it up, sit with it and feel it. Acknowledge and accept that it is a challenging time for you but like all feelings, it will pass.

A practical way to become the boss of your brain is using mindfulness. Mindfulness is an amazing stress management tool that allows you to be fully present and not overly reactive in what’s going on around us. It allows us to not get so caught up in the never-ending stream of thoughts running through our minds and helps turn those stretch levels down a good notch! If you are struggling to sit with the thought, focus on deep and controlled breathing to help you until the overwhelming feeling starts to subside and pass over. Just a few deep breaths to help clear your head can completely transform how you perceive a situation.

3. Essential oils

Essentials oils are a great way to quickly help deal with stress (so long as you have them to hand!). One oil we really recommend is lavender oil. Keep a little bottle of it or roll on stick in your handbag or at your desk so that you can whip it out when in need! Just a few drops on your pulse point or even the scent of it can instantly help you feel calmer and more nurtured. Another oil we also love that is a great instant stress relief is chamomile oil. Chamomile is widely known for it’s calming properties, containing several compounds that whether consumed or inhaled, have a sedative effect on the body make you instantly feel more relaxed and less stressed.  

4. Make a mantra

Making a fail-proof mantra that you can adopt and remind yourself of often can help you kick those stress waves and remind yourself that you have got this. Write it down, stick it by your laptop, at your desk or on the top of your to-do list. Make it a part of your mindset and go over the mantra however many times you need until you fully go back to believing it.

5. Zen your surroundings

Putting effort into creating stress-free surroundings is one hundred per cent worth it for when you suddenly need all the extra calm and zen-ness you can get. Clearing clutter and being in a tidier environment that feels less overwhelming and chaotic will automatically put you in a calmer state, making the feeling of stressless influential and easier to deal with. Think about what is essential for you to do your work (if we are talking about your workspace), and discard the rest. Having things around you that have no necessity is only clogging up your space, and therefore, your mind.

Try to also make your surroundings light and add a couple of houseplants into your space. Both of these will also help make your surroundings more calm-inducing and zen!

6. Yoga up your life

Regular exercise, in general, is a definite must when it comes to developing the ability to better cope with stress. Choose a way that you enjoy most and works best for you and create time to fit it into to your weekly routine. A particularly effective form of exercise for lowering stress levels though is yoga. The routine and meditative quality of the practice will over time help you throughout the whole of your day along with life in general even on days when you don’t practice. Just 20 minutes several times a week can help your brain function better and trigger a relaxation response in your body, putting you in an overall much calmer place. If you are new to yoga and looking give it a go, our new 'BASIC THOUGH' series is a great place to start. Do your stress levels a favour and join Sanchia on the mat where she will go through everything you need to know to get into your flow and start loving your yoga journey!

Image from @pinterest

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