Let’s start by talking about what your core actually is. Your core includes all muscles that surround your lumbar spine and pelvis. They’re not just your ab muscles. The core constitutes the following muscle groups:
· Transverse abdominus
· Rectus abdominus
· Obliques
· Multifidis
· Diaphragm
· Pelvic floor
Your core is a robust center that is linked to your entire upper body and lower body. Each movement, whether it involves punching during your boxing routine or wiping your desk, originates from your core.
It does not matter where your movement starts, it resonates in all directions from your core via adjoining muscle links. Therefore, lack of strength or flexibility in the muscles in your core can severely impact how your limbs perform. Additionally, poor core strength can diminish the potency of each movement made.
Building your core strength can help you build overall power. A stronger core means improved balance and stability, as well as fluid movements. It can reduce your risk of injuries especially during sports or other physical activities.
The following are a few of the most important reasons for developing core strength:
Lower back pain is a major cause of long-term disability. Around 11% of men and 16% of women suffer from chronic back pain.
Since your abs are situated in front of your spine, they play a critical role in supporting your pelvic girdle area. Weakness in any of these muscles can cause surrounding muscles (including back muscles) to work harder to keep your spine straight.
The converse is also true. If you have strong back muscles and abs, your body has to work less hard to keep your spine in a proper position, thereby, reducing risk of straining these muscles. Often, experts suggest using core strengthening programs to help treat back pain symptoms among sufferers.
Activities such as standing, walking, sitting at a desk, lifting, twisting, pushing and so on, rely on your muscles. Everyday tasks such as computer use, prolonged typing and making phone calls can make your back muscles stiff and sore. Performing core workouts does not only reduce tension in your back muscles, it also makes everyday tasks, including the ones your job relies on far easier.
Performing a core strengthening workout engages all the muscles in your torso; left, right and centre. This helps you stand tall, with your stomach tight and limbs aligned. Think of your core as a corset. Back in the day, a corset not only gave people their desired curvature around the midsection, it also allowed them to stand tall.
A strong core functions as a corset, minus a corset’s side effects. Not only does it help you look taller and more confident, improved posture can also help reduce your risk of disc herniation and vertebrae degeneration as you age. Additionally, it boosts your breathing, by opening your airways and making each breath more efficient.
Whether you’re performing your kickboxing routine or your weekend stretches, a stronger core can improve your balance and boost the effectiveness of each of your movements.
Apart from your workouts, improved balance can help reduce risk of injuries and falls, particularly as you age.
Not having a diverse core strengthening routine can result in an inefficient midsection – even if crunches are an integral part of your routine to sustain your abs. Allowing your entire core to work in harmony can crank up your power during any workout routine.
To improve core strength, opt for exercises that target multiple muscle groups. Performing isolated ab movements repeatedly is often ineffective and may not even produce desired results.
On the other hand, performing exercises or a group of exercises that target your entire core can not only help provide that much desired definition, but also boost the efficiency of each of your movements.
One great core strengthening workout is boxing. Boxing involves quick reflexes, power, balance and anaerobic endurance necessary to strike and manoeuvre around an opponent. The power from the punches originates from the rotation of your trunk and hips, thus conditioning your core within a short period.
Other effective core exercises include pushups, supermans, planks, side planks, bridges, hip lifts and V-Ups.
For all round fully body/core strengthening workout try our BoxxHIIT or if you want to focus just on your core then try one of our targeted core workouts under the STRENGTH section. To workout out now, login in here
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